Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Hello all,
we are proud to announce our 4th release,
FF75-01 Athenian Hoplite 479 B.C.
The kit comes in 10 pieces and is casted in high quality resin

For the time being the bust will be available via direct order from this blog
 (through paypal).
The miniature is shipped in hard carbon box and the price will be at 40 euros plus postage.

Best regards,
Christos Panagiotopoulos

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Hello my friends,
here are some pics of my last work, a 75mm scratch representing an Athenian hoplite at the era of Persian wars, this miniature is the next release for HISTORIA MINIATURES,
all the best,

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Hello my friends,
we are proud to announce our 3rd release, a 1/12 bust representing a Sioux Chief.
The kit comes in 5 pieces and is casted in high quality resin.

the kit in resin
the original sculpt

For the time being the bust will be available via direct order from this blog (through paypal).
The bust is shipped in hard carbon box and the price will be at 35 euros plus postage.

Best regards,

Monday, April 22, 2013

Fallschirmjäger Officer - Normandy 1944

Hello my friends,
here I am presenting my last work which is the boxart for LB Miniatures, a 1/10 bust sculpted by master sculptor Laurent Borget, a German paratroop officer at the Normandy campaign in summer of 1944.
This bust is available from LB Miniatures http://lbm-shop.blogspot.fr/ and I highly recommend it,
best regards,

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Laskarina Bouboulina

Hello my friends,
here is my last work, a 54mm creation representing a Greek woman captain from the war of independence 1821-1829.
This miniature will be released from Athens Miniatures.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Lugdunum 2013 Show - Gold Medal Award

I am proud to announce a gold medal award at the Lugdunum show in France, I entered in Master Open category with 4 miniatures and I earned a gold medal for the display.
Some links of the show:


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Plains Indian Chief

the bust at the final stages, 99% completed, need some minor work all over, scale 1/12,
all the best,

Friday, March 1, 2013

Plains Indian Chief

More progress,
I add a blanket with a mixture of Greenstuf and A+B,

I didn't like the result on the arm so I resculp the folds in a different shape.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Plains Indian Chief

Hello again,
here are some more pics of the progress, I add the shirt, the putty is A+B.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Plains Indian Chief

here is my new project on my work bench, an 1/12 bust representing an Indian Chief of the plains, the face is done and now I am working on the clothes, soon more pics,

Friday, February 15, 2013

Rainy Mountain Charlie

Hello my friends,
this is a bust from Poste Militaire called "Rainy Mountain Charlie". I have it in my stock for a lot of years and I decided to give him life,
I really enjoy paint it,